The trailers are directors’s worst enemies because they must contain a meticulous and effective dosage of images, to make you want to go see the film without revealing too much ...
There are, in fact, three stages for promoting a movie
- « The teaser », very short, which presents the film first images to come and rarely exceeds a few seconds, a "mouthing" somehow.
- « The official Trailer », a longer duration, which can also be declined in three different versions, but in which the same keyframes come back, with a constant concern to keep a maximum of secrecy about the movie
- « The final Trailer » which marks the end of the promotion of the film when it finally arrives in movie theaters.
Why do I like so much doing trailers?
II like this difficulty to show without revealing too much, to manage telling a part of the plot only by the precise choice of "sensitive" and "intense" images to capture the emotion of the spectator ...
And if I manage to bluff it in just two minutes, then it's successful!
But it took me several years to master a technical work that is now very personal
Regarding the realization of "trailers" TV series, it's a little bit different.
In profesional environment, they are used to present a new serie, or a new season of an existing serie.
The trailer usually lasts no more than two minutes for an extra season, but may be a little bit longer for a new serie.
When I work on a trailer for a serie, I like to go step by step and meticulously, to emphasize what is important on its presentation.
I invite you to watch my FILMS and SERIES pages to familiarize you with my work mode. I remind you that my Youtube channel brings you a very wide range of all my achievements