- Montage composed only by your photos, with live movements (the music determines the "style" of the clip)
- Duration of the clip: about 4 minutes (may vary depending on the musical support chosen)
- The number of necessary photos will be discussed with you
- The completion time is 2 to 3 days
- Montage composed of your video (or pieces of videos that you want to put together), with your inserted text.
- Duration of the clip: according to your initial videos
- You choose the musical support (we can discuss it together if you wish)
- The completion time is 2 to 4 days.
- Montage type "trailer" only composed by your photos and special texts
- Duration of the clip: about 2 minutes 30 or 1 min 30/45
- I choose the musical support, rhythmic, soft, fun, especially for the trailers (it's my speciality)
- The realization working time is around 4 days
Montage type "trailer" that puts you in the spotlight (wedding, a birthday party with friends or about your child, a memorable boat trip, your first ski lesson ...), complete with text effects and titles ...
- Duration of the clip: according to the videos that you entrust to me
- I choose the musical support that inspires me to make your most beautiful "trailer"
The realization working time is about a week
*Price for Wedding 89 Euro
Trailer or Teaser
exclusive for your event :79 Euros
You organize a concert, a garage sale, a charity event, a sports weekend, a painting course etc ... and you want an original idea to showcase your project.
- Typical "Trailer" editing to announce your events
-Duration of the clip: 30 seconds to 1 minute maximum - You provide the media you want (photos, videos, advertising to pass, useful information of the event date and place etc ...)
- I choose the musical support that inspires me for your ad
- The time of realization is to be determined according to the importance of the work and exchanges between us.
Warning: I do not make any pornographic video, or inciting to the violence or being able to attack the physical or moral integrity of a person. Thanks for taking it into account.